Australia session locations (limited):
By Appointment Only
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Individual Sessions | Varies $150 to $220 each (if more than 15 km from city then travel fees apply)
Family and Friend Specials | If you and friends or partner want coaching sessions on the same day
PLR/LBL Regressions (4 hrs) | $320 to $420 each (begins with spiritual life review, then LBL if desired)
Strengths-based resilience and transition assistance for life's unexpected changes. Meditation, hHypnotherapy & life-change confidence coaching
Connie is an author/writer, educadion industry researcher, blogger and photographer as well as a life-coach consultant for people experiencing unexpected midlife changes. Her primary focus is on communications and change-confidence work.
She is available for life coaching and hypnotherapy clients (on a limited basis due to her professional career commitments).
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